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Here you will find all your favorite places where you can use the B-CARD.

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Arata Sushi

Arata Sushi

An entertaining evening with Japanese food - we serve freshly prepared dishes in an authentic atmosphere. You can also treat yourself to Vietnamese cuisine. You can soak up the sun in our idyllic...

Mini dots

Mini dots

The store is located in the heart of Berlin - Wannsee. Immerse yourself in the imaginative children's world of Minipünktchen. Experience a unique shopping experience in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. Come and visit us and take your time to browse through the latest...

Secret Tours Berlin

Secret Tours Berlin

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer alternativen Berlin-Tour, weilSie die Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten von Berlin schon kennen?Sie keine Lust auf eine klassische Stadtrundfahrt im „Hop On Hop Off“-Doppeldeckerbus haben?Sie Berlin in einer kleinen Gruppe entdecken wollen und...

Les Soeurs Shop

Les Soeurs Shop

In unserem Curvy Concept Store in Berlin bieten wir eine exklusive Auswahl an stilvoller Plus Size Mode für modebegeisterte Frauen mit Kurven! Vorbei sind die Zeiten unförmiger und langweiliger Kleidung, leerer Tüten und frustrierter Shoppingtouren ohne Auswahl!Egal,...

Foxtrail Berlin Potsdam

Foxtrail Berlin Potsdam

The fox's trail leads directly through the city center. There are many opportunities to hide here and you will need a lot of skill to discover his tracks. On this FOXTRAIL you break into Trabants, crack Soviet espionage codes and with...

Barry beauty

Barry beauty

Bei uns ist dein Haar in guten Händen. Denn Haare sind für uns mehr als nur ein Beruf. Sie sind Berufung, Motivation und Lifestyle zugleich.In vielen Fällen genügt ein frischer Schnitt – ganz gleich ob klassisch oder topmodisch – um der Person im Spiegel ganz neuen...

AMRIT | Potsdamer Platz

AMRIT | Potsdamer Platz

In the heart of Berlin, right next to Potsdamer Platz, you will find our flagship store, the AMRIT | Potsdamer Platz! With over 500 seats, an exclusive VIP lounge and a large team of Indian cuisine specialists, you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city here.

Sade Beauté

Sade Beauté

Lust auf eine glatte und makellose Haut? Neuköllner, die das Rasieren und Kaschieren satthaben, können sich auf einen Top-Kosmetiksalon im Herzen Neuköllns freuen, der hier Abhilfe schafft und mit Innovation überzeugt. Wer sich im Sade Beauté, direkt in der Kienitzer...

Restaurant Flea

Restaurant Flea

The Floh has been a household name at Grunewald S-Bahn station for well over 30 years and is a meeting place for all Berliners who appreciate rustic food and cultivated beers in the cozy the warm season, our beer garden with over 50...



At HOLZGUT you will discover something new: antique furniture for your home that is as practical as it is unusual. In a way that is worth seeing and experiencing, at acceptable prices. Take your time and have a look around our store.



Seit ihrer Gründung in den frühen 1990er Jahren ist die Firma Trippen ihrem Vorsatz treu geblieben, sich von herkömmlichen Gepflogenheiten der Modewelt zu lösen und sowohl im Design als auch der Produktion ihrer Schuhe eigene Wege zu gehen. Eine spezielle Holzsohle...

Wunschbaum - Children's fashion & wooden toys

Wunschbaum - Children's fashion & wooden toys

Online store for baby and children's products: Everything for your little ones! In the online store from Wunschbaum you can conveniently order online for and with your little darlings. Discover selected products from a comprehensive range of special children's fashion,...

Susi & Lina Beauty

Susi & Lina Beauty

Nails, Brows & LashesBei Susi & Lina Beauty dreht sich alles um deine Auszeit! Bei uns findest du alles, von einer klassischen Maniküre über perfekt gestylte Augenbrauen bis hin zu einem atmenberaubenden Wimpernaufschlag!Wir lieben unseren Job und verleihen...

Joseph Indian Restaurant

Joseph Indian Restaurant

SOUTH & NORTH INDIA BISTROCooking runs in the family, he says, and he learned to cook from his mother. Saroj Nayak is originally from south-east India, from the town of Bhadrak in the state of Orissa. The typical food of this region is spicier than...

Beyzade Restaurant

Beyzade Restaurant

WELCOME TO BEYZADE RESTAURANTThe Beyzade Restaurant opened in January 2016. Beyzade offers its customers classic Turkish grill dishes and special Beyzade creations.EXPERIENCE THE PLEASURE OF TURKISH CUISINE - IN THE HEART OF SPAINThe Beyzade...

Dong Da Restaurant

Dong Da Restaurant

Dear neighborhood friends, we are the Le family, Mama Ly and Papa Tuan and our three daughters Nocky, Jenny and Nhung. Together we run your new Vietnamese family restaurant in the Kiez, the "Dong Da" restaurant. Originally, we come from a very...

Sensory light yoga

Sensory light yoga

About usSinnlicht YogaAt Sinnlicht Yoga we have a home-like atmosphere. It is particularly important to us that you feel comfortable in your yoga style and get to know yourself. Let yourself be embraced by our spirit.with a team of many yoga teachers from all over the...

SPUTNIKeins photography

SPUTNIKeins photography

Behind SPUTNIKeins fotografie are the photographers Heidi Kluthe and David John Husted, and there is hardly an area of photography in which we both have no experience. This allows us to use our skills in a targeted manner and fulfill almost every photographic...

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The B-Card Das-B-Card - More than just a voucher card